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Phonogram Record Page Book Colour Edition

Phonogram Record Page Book Colour Edition

SKU: DG1480

This design book is packed with engaging and colourful phonogram record pages to assist tutors in teaching new sounds to their students. With 108 pages to choose from, students will enjoy the fun graphics and be proud to record their newly taught phonograms on. Each page has sky-grass-ground spaces

for students to write down their new sound, along with a space to glue down a keyword picture. Students can also practice writing dictated spelling words that include the newly taught sound, along with phrases, sentences, and the rule or concept. To make it easy for tutors to use, all pages have been offset to the right to allow for hole punching without losing any content. Plus, the pages are completely reproducible, so tutors can print as many copies as they need for their students. With this design book, you can save yourself a lot of time in prep work.

  • specs

    reproducible, pdf file

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